How To Get Your Vehicle Insurance From The VIO

How To Get Your Vehicle Insurance From The VIO

  1. These are the required steps you need to take to get your vehicle insurance
    1. Go to to sign up for a free account and then to to login with your username and password
    2. Update your profile and fill all the required fields properly
    3. Select My vehicles link on the Account menu and enter information about your vehicle
    4. Select My vehicle Insurance link on the Accounts menu
    5. Select the appropriate link from the page
    6. Fill the requested information and submit the application
    7. Update payment information by clicking on the link to the application detail page
    8. Once payment is approved the payment status will be updated
    9. Print your temporary vehicle insurance certificate from the vehicle insurance application detail page
    10. The original vehicle insurance certificate will be sent to your address via post
    At any particular point in time you have problems completing any of the steps above, contact the nearest VIO office for resolution.



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